* Fast Delivery

Products marked as Express Delivery on their details page are guaranteed to be delivered by the estimated delivery date. If you encounter any problems, you can apply for the following compensation limit.

* $1.00 Late Delivery Coupon Code Get a $1.00 coupon code if your order does not arrive by the latest estimated delivery date.

* Refund if the goods arrive damaged Submit a refund request if any products you ordered arrive damaged.

* Refund of shipments lost in transit Submit a refund request if your shipment is marked as "Lost in transit in" in the tracking details If the shipment has arrived, you can keep it without having to return it if you pay cash on delivery. No payment is required and we recommend that you submit a new order

* Refund if delivery is not completed within 30 days If your order package is not delivered within 30 days of shipment, you can apply for a refund. If it finally arrives at a later time, you can keep it and there is no need to return it.